Building Maintenance and Cleaning
Maintenance and cleaning at Wartalo Kodit’s properties are in the hands of the company’s skilled staff. Wartalo Kodit’s renovation team also renovates apartments in cooperation with our partners.
Caretakers and cleaning staff oversee their own designated areas. Caretakers are in charge of building maintenance and the upkeep of outdoor areas. Cleaners see to the sanitation of common areas in the buildings in their designated area.
Apartments get inspected for their condition and cleanliness after each resident’s term. A cleaning supervisor conducts these inspections.
Reporting Problems
If you notice a problem in your apartment, the common areas, or in your building’s outdoor area, please contact the caretaker for your area. In non-urgent matters, you can report a problem electronically here. Your area’s caretaker is at your service on weekdays 7:00–15:00.
Property management is on call for urgent matters on weekdays 15:00–07:00 and 24 hours a day on weekends. Report urgent issues, such as water leaks or other damaging and/or hazardous problems, to the property management as soon as possible, also during on-call hours.
Resident Renovations
Residents are allowed to do small renovations, such as painting or changing wallpapers, on their own. If you wish to do renovations, contact property management BEFORE you start any renovations.
Property maintenance on-call duty
Weekdays Mon-Fri 15.00-07.00 and weekends/24 hour tel. 0400 284 511
Work supervision
Property maintenance work supervision, tel. 010 421 5732
Cleaning work supervision, tel. 010 421 5766