Resident Functions
Residents Have a Say
With residential democracy, residents have the right to access information about their building’s finances, condition, and maintenance. Residents can also take part in decision-making regarding their housing. Residential democracy is governed by the Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings (649/1990).
Resident functions are voluntary and based on active participation. The goal of resident functions is to impact comfort of living, cost moderation, planning, and the buildings’ value retention.
Joint Management at Wartalo Kodit Oy
Cooperation Committee
The Cooperation Committee meets once a year. In the meeting, parties discuss company finances, the bases for the budget, and their effect on rent, as well as other relevant topics.
Resident Representatives on the Board
Resident committees can nominate resident representatives from their midst to the Wartalo Kodit board. The board has two seats for resident representatives, who participate in board meetings to oversee company operations as equal board members.
Resident Meetings
Wartalo Kodit hosts regular resident meetings in its buildings to make decisions regarding the joint management among residents and Wartalo Kodit oy.
Resident Committees
A resident meeting can be used to establish a resident committee or to nominate a liaison. Each resident committee drafts a plan for its term, which lasts either one year or two.
Do join us
Doing things together increases trust, living comfort, safety and appreciation of rental housing!
You can ask Wartalo Kodit customer service about resident functions in your area.
tel. +358 104 215 712